Montessori Impressionistic Charts
This is what I've been up to lately--lots of coloring and painting (and album work, of course). These charts accompany the lessons given in Elementary Montessori classrooms. They are meant to inspire the children and to spark creativity and further work.
And yes, due to lack of desk space, I paint my charts in the kitchen floor!
I've worked with art mediums that I never knew existed: wax pastels, watercolor pastels, water resistant markers, high-quality colored pencils (not Crayola?!), and the list goes on.
Thus far, I've knocked out somewhere around 35 charts, and I must have around 100 left to go.
In Maria Montessori's day, she actually drew these pictures as she was giving a lesson. That's a pretty amazing feat, but I can say without hesitation that I'll be happy to have them all completed ahead of time.
People who have already received their Elementary Montessori teacher certification speak of these charts as a right of passage. Once you complete the entire set, you really feel like you've accomplished something. I believe it!