Sharing Some Light

Snow day at Kennedy park.

Snow day at Kennedy park.

Classroom observations. Snow days. Practice teaching. Husband's birthday. More practice teaching. Valentine's Day. Album Submissions. Charts Submissions. Montessori Job Fair at MNW. And the list goes on.

Life has been a beautiful, whirlwind as of late. So much is happening all at once. It's exciting and slightly stressful at the same time. I have to really push myself to stay focused and  keep on top of it all. 

I took a short break from my work to play in the snow! Portland Snowpocolypse 2014.

I took a short break from my work to play in the snow! Portland Snowpocolypse 2014.

For now I'd simply like to leave you with some inspiration that I've collected from around the interwebs:

First up is the Big History Project. It's basically an advanced version of Montessori's Cosmic Education. It's a multidisciplinary study of the history of the world, and it starts with the formation of Earth. The curriculum is geared toward high schoolers, but if it was brought into a Montessori adolescent classroom, I imagine it would be a HUGE hit! The original course was developed and taught in a university setting by professor David Christian (watch his TED Talk about Big History). The online project is funded by philanthropist and Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Check it out!

Next, I came across the website of traveling, freelance artist Jillian Maeve. Her portfolio includes a collection of absolutely stunning Cosmic Education illustrations that were used as an interactive art exhibit at the 27th International Montessori Congress that took place in Portland this past summer. Her website also features a sample of her Montessori Album illustrations. I absolutely cannot get enough of her work! Go take a look. You'll be glad you did. 

That's all I have to share for now. The snow has melted, the Portland rain has returned, and I have lessons to type for my albums.

So, until next time, I'll be sending light and love your way.